Greeting the Free & slave (continued in depth)"The smallest tasks in your life, how you clean your Master's leather, how you set out his clothes, how you cook and sew, how you shop, how you clean and launder, even the tiniest and most servile tasks, all such things, will become sexual, all will become expressions of your femaleness, fitting and joyful manifestations of your worthlessness but helplessly proferred, gladly tendered love and service, that of only an insignificant slave." (Mercenaries of Gor, page 435)
In Section I the correct order for greeting upon entering a channel was reviewed as follows:
1) Masters
2) Mistresses
3) slavesYou also learned that in Torvaldsland, a Master is known as Jarl and should be greeted as Jarl; a Mistress of Torvaldsland is known as Lady and greeted as Lady <Nick>. One other greeting of the Free is sometimes used, and this is to identify "Panther girls" from the Free Women. Some Panthers like to be addressed as "Lady" as well. It is acceptable to address them either way, Mistress or Lady. If they have a preference, normally, you can expect they will tell you. Panthers are not 'shy'.
As mentioned in Training Section I, there are channels who have further distinguished what they wish to see as a "greet order" for slaves. Here is an example of the more stringent rules of greeting:
1) If the Ubar of the Home is present, greet the Ubar first when greeting the Free Men.
2) If the Ubara of the Home if is present, She is to be greeted first of the FW present.
3) The first slave greeted would be the Home's first girl (who is usually marked with an 'fg' after her nickname).From there, the greetings continue as taught in Section I.
Serving Techniques
"One of the men lifted his cup and I hurried to him. I took the cup and filled it...then I pressed my lips to his cup as I must, as a slave girl, and handed it to him."(Slave Girl of Gor, page 89)As slaves, we serve. This is taught to us and, for many slaves, instinctual. Whether you feel you know how to serve Someone well or not, the Gorean homes have set down rules which apply to the slaves while serving and the majority of these rules can be referenced back to the scrolls.After the Master/Mistress places their 'order' with you, there are nine common steps to a good serve. It is not necessary that each step be taken in each serve, but it is a VERY GOOD IDEA to know the nine steps should you have the opportunity to serve a Gorean trainer who calls for "a proper serve". If this happens, be certain to modify each step for the proper drink or food request.
1. Acknowledge the Free
Kneel to the furs before the Master or Mistress and inquire of them if you can be of service to them? Next, if appropriate, thank them for their order, specifically repeating what was asked for, and your desire to serve it. In the world of online, if you don’t acknowledge them in writing, they will not know if you "saw" their order in channel or not.2. Begin the Serve
Back away three paces of respect, turn and head to kitchen describing yourself as you move to the kitchen (what you're wearing, what your hair color is, etc.)* Step 2 can be varied. Some slaves normally lean forward and scoot back on their knees so as not to meet the Free's eyes and be disrespectful. Others stand and step back three measured paces of respect. This is up to you.
*see below under "Using Descriptions"3. Choose a Vessel
Once in the kitchen you may wash your hands if you'd like and then choose the appropriate vessel or container for the drink or food. Slaves of the Kaverns should refer to the KK Kajirae Training Food and Drinks listings for the different types of glasses, goblets, cups, bowls for Drinks and the different plates, bowls, etc. for the Foods.4. Check the Vessel for Flaws
This is often done in two very different ways. While KK allows the slave to make up her own mind, remember that you are serving to be found pleasing. One way to check for flaws is to run the rim of the vessel over your wrist to ensure there is nothing to harm the Master or Mistress you are serving. The other way is to simply touch your finger about the rim and check. Whichever you decide, you then wipe the vessel clean with a rep cloth (a soft cotton cloth much like the earth's dish-towel).5. Fill the Vessel
6. Return to the Master or MistressBlackwine - ladle the wine into the cup or bowl and set it on a tray you have polished.
For blackwine served first slave: add to the tray a tiny pitcher of bosk cream and a small bowl of red sugar and a small bowl of yellow sugar. One spoon for each sugar should be added to the tray. Also a small spoon may be added for use after the bosk cream is poured into it.
Second slave - this means the blackwine is served black, you will not need the sugars or cream and will, therefore, not need the tray.Paga, kalana - these come in bottles, fetch the appropriate one and carry it back to the Master or Mistress, along with the footed bowl or goblet.
Kneel before the Free person you are serving and bring the bottle to your lips, pulling back the cork from it with your teeth, then fill the container, press the cork back into the bottle with your hand and set it aside before you continue to complete your serve.Kal-da - In some kitchens the kal-da is on the hearth's fire keeping it hot. Ladle the kal-da into a wooden footed bowl unless specifically asked for a cup. Juices, milk - usually are kept in pitchers or other containers and are often located in the 'cold room'. If you do not know the kitchen or home you are serving in, ask questions to a slave who is also in the channel in private message. Water - often kept in a barrel or pitcher in the cold room. Again if you are not familiar with the kitchen you are in, ask someone who is knowledgeable in private message.
Leave the kitchen and return to the furs of the Free you are serving, being sure to be descriptive and enticing in your return to their feet as you were when leaving to attend to their order.7. Kneel Before the Free Person
Kneel to the furs in nadu if red or other color silk, tower if white. Describe your actions and what is in your hands.8. Present the Drink or Food
Slowly bring the vessel up your inner thigh, up past your belly (many girls will be seen pausing at their bellies for three beats of the Gorean moons although this cannot be easily referenced in the scrolls), past your chest and bring it to rest against your heart. Often a prayer is offered for the Master or Mistress, but this is not standard. Kiss the side (not the rim) of the vessel. Lower your head and lift the container between your arms upward."Then I knelt naked before him, head down. "You may now serve the paga," he said. "Yes, Master," I said. I reached to take the cup, in both hands. One kneels, one proffers the cup, head down, with both hands, to the male. (Slave Girl of Gor, pg. 305)9. Speak and Offer
Tell the Master or Mistress what you have brought, let them know it has been a pleasure to serve them. Many of the Free find it unpleasant to have a slave beg for a compliment during a serve so it is up to the slave's judgement whether or not to say words such as "this girl hopes her service has brought You pleasure". The Free will then accept from your hands what you offer them.You have completed the serve! After the serve is completed, a slave should remain at the Master or Mistress’ feet until released to return to the serving furs or serve another. Remember to not speak while kneeling before the Master or Mistress unless given permission from the Free person you have served.
Using Your Own Descriptions
Never, ever copy the words of someone else's serve as your own. As you watch your sisters serve and you admire their grace and sensual movements, make a note of what it is you'd like to also add to your serves and incorporate that the next time you practice. This does not mean to use the same "wording", just try to describe the same movements or feelings conveyed in your own personal style. Note, too, that many mIRC channels will 'kick' a slave from their channel for using pre-typed 'popups' in their service.
Don't become frustrated if you feel you cannot be as descriptive as some of the girls in an mIRC channel, those feelings will go away with practice and time. Every slave you watch serve once was sitting where you are now, as a new slave in a channel, learning. Remember, too, this quote from the scrolls if you begin to feel you could never describe serves as you wish:
"Beauty and intelligence are all well and good," I said, "but the best slave is she who loves most deeply."To do a good serve, just as to know the positions of a slave well, try practicing at home. Think through what it would be like to kneel before someone with a bottle of liquid in one hand and a crystal goblet in the other. Is it easy to lower gracefully? Where are your hands? What happens to the bottle and the glass? Trying looking in the mirror and see how it looks to do what you are attempting on IRC. Observe the position of your body, how tense your muscles are, etc. and then put what you see into words. When you type your serve, be descriptive and add touches of yourself (eye color, hair color and texture, silks, skin color, etc.) and your personality to your service.
(Magicians of Gor, page 204)
Begging MERCY and not forgiveness
There will come a time when you make a mistake and it will be brought to your attention. You may, unintentionally, have said something a Free Person found displeasing, or you may have brought someone an Ale when they asked you to fetch them a Mead. No matter how frustrated you may become when you are being told of your mistake, how embarrassed you may be ... Remember that you are slave. A slave is not equal to the Free. A slave has no caste and no opinion. And, because a slave is not equal, we have no 'rights' and, therefore, cannot beg for forgiveness. A slave begs the Free "mercy". If you make a mistake, do not beg to be forgiven, beg the Free Person for their mercy, basically telling them that you *know* you are slave and *know* that they are Free and can do whatever they wish to you, but you beg their mercy that they will take pity on you in their punishment of you.The Last Words of a slave
"Yes, Master." No matter how much your mind may scream that your opinion is the right one, no matter how much you are sure the Free said "Ale" and not "Mead" and can even scroll back in the channel and *prove it!*, you are slave, they are Free. The last words a slave speaks when asked if they agree with something that the Free have said to them is "Yes, Master." The Free on Gor and - thereby - in Gorean mIRC channels are *always* right.