Helpful Info for newly collared KK slaves!

This has been designed for slaves that are newly collared to the Kaverns, to help you in the first few days when you may be feeling a little lost or bewildered and wondering what you should or shouldn’t be doing. 

The first thing is DON’T PANIC!!!!!!!!!  Your sisters and brother have all been in exactly the same position and know how you are feeling and will do their utmost to help you out, as will the Free of the home.  It’s better to ask about something that you don’t understand than to do it and get it wrong.  Just remember when asking anything of the Free, to do it with respect and you won’t go far wrong.  Whining, having a bad attitude and answering back won’t be tolerated and you will, no doubt, be punished for it.

Your new home is a very friendly place and well respected on the server, which means that it can get very busy.  There may well be times when you serve 10 or more guests in a row and feel that you don’t get time to breathe.  That’s normal, this is Gor and, unlike many rooms you may have been to, here you will be treated as a slave... and not as a subbie princess.  The standards that are set for the KK slave’s are high and you may well find yourself corrected for things, sometimes things that you think are really trivial and minor.  You should look upon any correction as an opportunity to improve and grow as a slave.  Remember always that a slave is there for the needs of the Free, not the other way round.

Now assuming that the above hasn’t scared you off and your belly is still burning with a need and desire to learn and grow in your new home, there are rules that are specific to slaves of the home, and a whole host of other information that will be useful to you... so let’s get started.

This information is split into various parts, and to get the best out of it will need to be read more than once and kept handy until you are familiar with the home

Part One -      
Bots, Rules and People
Part Two -       Begging entry, Greeting & Offering Service
Part Three -    Going AFK and  Leaving the room
Part Four  -    
Other useful bits & pieces that will keep you out of  trouble!

Part One:    Bots, Rules and People


If you are new to irc you might not know what a bot is.  Basically it is a script that is programmed with automated responses in reaction to specific commands.  We have two Bots in channel that look after things; Zishen and arianne{KK}.  You will come to know and love ari as she has a whole lot of useful information contained in her.


ari’s most important features are listed here.  They all need to be said in pm with ari.

!read -  
This command will keep you up to date with any new information/events that are happening that you need to know about.  Get into the habit of reading ari as soon as you come into channel, at least once a day.  This will tell you of any slaves that are new/released, notes from sisters, notes from Ops, etc.

!slavenote - If you need to leave a note for your sisters, use this command and then type what you wish to say.  Whatever you type will then be visible to everyone in the `read` function.  You are free to say whatever you wish, but remember the Ops see this as well, so remember to be respectful.

!gone -
If you are going to be away for more than a few days at a time the Ops will need to know about it, or you might find yourself marked as a runaway.  Leave a message with ari giving basic details of where you will be and what period you will be away. 

- This is a really useful function that has been designed for slaves so that they can keep track of who has been served and who hasn’t.  The servelist helps the Kaverns run smoothly, and it will stop you offering to someone who has already been served.

When you offer service to someone, you will need to immediately update the list.  Updating is done by typing either:

(Person’s name) - use this immediately if they accept service
(Person’s name) - use this immediately if they declined service
!need - this will show you show you only those that have not been served yet

!slave names -
This will show you who all your sisters, and brothers are.

!help - This will give you masses of information on what is available within ari and how to use each command.  It’s worth spending any free time you have familiarizing yourself with these functions.


Zishen mostly contains information for the Free.


The rules change from time to time so they aren’t included here.  You must type !rules in pm with ari to make sure you know the current rules.


Master Ty`nan holds classes for all the KK slaves every other Monday at  8 PM EST.   Master Savage holds classes for the KK slaves on the following Wednesdays at 8 pm. Classes are held in #KK_classes.  Unless you have a valid reason (real life commitments), classes are mandatory.  If you can’t make classes, leave Master Ty`nan or Master Savage a note explaining why you cannot attend class.  This applies if you are just going to miss the odd one.

To not attend class and not have informed the Masters before is disrespectful and will most likely mean you get an essay to write.   There is no excuse for not leaving a message, it only takes seconds to do.


Master Savage
He is Keeper of slaves and, therefore, your final law!  He will have the ultimate say in anything concerning the slaves and will set punishments and rules.  If anyone tells you anything that contradicts an instruction given by Him, His is the instruction you obey.

Master Ty`nan - He is First Sword of the Kaverns and, to you, as important as Master Savage and will set rules and punishments as He sees fit.  He is to be obeyed without question.  

approach Master Ty`nan or Master Savage without first begging permission to do so from the slave furs.  Don’t even take one step forward, unless called to Their feet.

A note about PMing Master Ty`nan and Master Savage:

<Ty|nan> and in regard to pm's... ask to have them, don't just pm to tell Me something or make a cute comment.  At any given time, Sav and I have at least 10 open already.  11 to hear "You sure you don't want me to volunteer for a spanking"... simply isn't smart.

If you are not in the home and can not ask to pm... do so, but make it be for a reason, don't pm to chat and ask how My day went, don't pm to tell Sav He scares you and half your sisters.

We have a lot of shit going on at all times, why do You think I do not use My name in class ever? So I can focus on it.  

Someone asked Me a couple nites ago when bitching about a situation..."don't You Men ever watch" I the hell would I? I have 20 pm's open at once fixing this for that one and that for this one at all times.   I don't get to enjoy My home or My slut most of the time.

And that's fine, I took the job, I handle it but don't make Me spend 2 more minutes outside of it to tell Me that you want a spanking.

If you have a problem, come to Us.  We will listen and try to help.

<Savage> and if you pm to ask one quick question, dont turn it into a 20 minute marathon

<Ty|nan> If that problem is that suzie was mean to you yesterday because you told her to serve... work it out sluts... work it out.  Put a little more problem solving into your daily routine.  Do not hand Us that for every decision to be made.

Respect Our time and lack thereof a little more.  If you find you simply can not resolve it by your own will....come to Us.

Master Saxus - He is the Owner of the Kaverns and your ultimate Owner.  His word  should always be obeyed.  Please do not PM Master Saxus with any concerns, but take them to Master Savage or Master Ty`nan if possible. 

Mistress Lyonesse` -
She is Assistant Slave Trainer 

Mistress Jacinta - She is Assistant Slave Trainer


A Keeper is the title given to those of the home that have Ops status and are part of the team that make the decisions within the home.  A Keeper is like your Owner and will protect you in the home from harm, and also punish you if necessary.

Typing !Keepers in ari will give you the latest list of who the Keepers are.   Get to know your Keepers and what their likes and dislikes are.  You can get their basic preferences by typing  !Keeper name in ari... e.g. !Ty`nan

Guest Ops:

Because the room is often extremely busy and there may be times when Keepers are not around, there are certain Free that have Guest Op status so they can keep an eye on the room, but they do not have the full rights of Keepers.  They are to be treated with the same respect as any other Guest to the home.

Part Two:  Begging entry, Greeting  & Offering Service

When you first come into the home, before you do anything else, you are expected to beg to enter the home.  This is done in a position known as prostrate or karta (karta is an mIRC word).  Basically, it is kneeling at the entrance, and pressing your body to the floor, sliding your arms out along the floor forward, and speaking your request to enter.  You will not be granted entry without doing this.

Watch your sisters and see the different and beautiful ways that they present themselves at the entrance, you will see that they paint a picture of themselves and show their desire to enter and serve the Free.


Once you are allowed in, you will be expected to greet everyone in the room.  You should always greet Masters first and then Mistresses.  If you are unsure as to whether someone is a Master or a Mistress, check their whois.  If still unsure greet them as Master and be prepared to beg mercy if it is wrong.  Greet your brothers and sisters last.

Do not just greet collectively, i.e., "Greetings Masters, greetings Mistresses".  This is a sign of laziness and slaves are not allowed to be lazy.  However, if there are more than 5 FM, you should type "greetings Master Savage, greetings Master Ty`nan, greetings Master Z`ev", etc. so that you only take up one line per gendre, then repeat the same pattern for the FW.

Offering Service

When you have finished greeting, check with ari using the !servelist command to see who requires service and go to offer to them.  As a white silk, always make it clear you are kneeling with thighs together (tower position), do so as delicately and expressively as you can.  Remember you only have words, you have to try and make the Free `see` you.

If there are lots of people to be served, service should be offered in the following order:

Male Guests       (FreeMen)
Female Guests   (FreeWomen)
Male Keepers
Female Keepers
Master Savage
Master Ty`nan
Master Saxus

Once you have offered service, remember to update the !servelist in ari, so that your sisters do not offer the same person.  If a Keeper's slave is in the room and He is still on the serve list, consider Him/Her served.

If you offer a Free Person three times and get no response, leave Their feet and offer to the next person on the servelist but don’t pm ari that you have offered.  If ari  gives a "code 10" when a Free Person enters, do not offer that person service, it automatically puts them in the list as served.


When you first come into the home you will see a little + by your name.  This means you are voiced, and available to serve.   Once you begin to serve someone you have to devoice (get rid of the +) so that the Free know you are not available.  Type `down ari` to do this.  Once you have finished serving the Free person and been released from their feet, type `up ari` so that the rest of the Free know you are available again.

If you serve a Keeper and they tell you to remain at their furs when the serve is completed, you must still voice by typing up ari and keep an eye on the room and serve any guests that enter.  Do not keep guests waiting because you are with a Keeper.

Part Three:  Going AFK and Leaving the room

If you need to briefly leave the keyboard for any reason, you must first beg to do so from the Free.  If you are in service, you need permission of the Person you are serving, if not in service, any Free Person can give permission.  Once granted permission, change your name to reflect that you are not there to something like slave{KK}afk.   You will automatically be devoiced when you put afk on the end.  If you are not  in service, remember to VOICE when you come back.

The following explains an update to the rules on leaving the room.

<Ty``nan> If you are not in the home, mark yourself away with what you are doing, if you are speaking to one of Us... your away message will say "speaking in pm to Master Ty`nan".  If you are in the dance room, it will say "in the dance room with Master Savage's permission" (or whoever gave it.   If you are traveling, it will say... "traveling with Mistress Dia's permission", etc

<Ty``nan> that way, at all times, when We whois you, We, and all other Keepers, know what you are doing and Who gave you the permission

Do not be afk for any longer than 15 minutes.  If you are going to be longer than 15 minutes, beg to leave the room and come back when you can give your full attention to the Free once more.

Always ask permission to return before coming back.  When granted permission remember to change your name to that given to you by your owners, eg slave{KK}a.

You need to ask permission to leave the room.  When granted permission you should offer well wishes to all before doing so.  Unless you are in a desperate hurry or the room is extremely full, do not do so collectively, take the time to do it properly.  The same rules apply for leaving as for greeting .. i.e., if more than 5 in the room, only take up one line per gendre.

If you need to leave because of a real life emergency, state "RL emergency" and leave, be prepared to explain the reason on your return.

Part Four  -     Other useful bits & pieces

The Hallway - This is what is meant by when you are on the server, but not in a room.  You are expected to go straight into the home when you log onto the server, if you need to leave to work on a dance, task or talk to a keeper, you must get permission to do so and set your `away message` to show that you have a Keepers permission … such as "away working on a dance with Master Savage’s permission".

The following text explains in detail the rules for the hallway, as written by Master Savage. 

I have come to a decision regarding girls being in the hall. I will make this as easy as possible and try not to confuse anyone.

If a KK slave comes online and does not have time to serve in the home, yet she needs to speak with a Keeper or another KK slave regarding a dance she is working on for an upcoming contest or an event that happened in channel that concerns her, she may remain in the hall and speak with that person. ( this means a few minutes, not 30 )

If a KK slave comes online and does not have time to serve in the home, yet she will be online for a minimum of 20 minutes, she will enter the home as normal then inform a Keeper and beg to rest on the furs do to her leaving soon.

If a KK slave is in the home and she needs to make dinner or make a quick trip to the store, she may A. leave the home and server and return when she is able to focus on the home...or B. she may mark herself as afk and remain in the home.

If a KK slave is online and in the hall for longer than 10 minutes, without informing a Keeper, she will be reprimanded to white silk status for two weeks, meaning no pm's from anyone other than Trainers, no traveling to other homes, no participating in dance contests during that time period and no lapping.

I suggest you girls make every effort to be in the home when possible, you show loyalty and devotion by being there, hiding in the hall makes Me think I am wasting My time with you.  - Savage

KK slaves have an egroup on yahoo which allows you to share things with your sisters, and aid your learning.  You will be invited to join the group once you have a steel collar.  Be an active part of the group it is a valuable source of information and a chance to get to know your sisters and brothers better.

email addresses - please give your email address to bri`elle{KK} who keeps up to date lists of all slaves and Keepers emails, so if you need an address ask her.  you might need to email logs from time to time to Master Savage or Master Ty`nan if there are problems, or email Mistress Jacinta or Mistress Lyonesse with responses to assignments:

Master Ty`nan      -
Master Savage     -
Mistress Lyonesse  -
Mistress Jacinta - 

Useful Websites:*   - 
The Kaverns website which you should familiarize yourself with and study.  The KK website has lots of info on the Free and slaves of the home and will give you a better understanding of them.  See ah`lana{Ty}  to post a fantasy pic and bio of yourself on the KK website.  
- This is a training schedule that Master Savage put together and shows what will be required of you to progress through the different silk levels. 

* there is a _ between the words on the websites

The above information for slaves of the Kaverns has been compiled and written by bri`elle{KK}, devoted slave of the Kaverns.

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