:: slave Essay's ::


:: An Extension of Ownership ::


The closeness a slave has to her Master is one where she does not know where she ends and he begins. His thoughts are the girl’s thoughts; his needs are her needs. The only things the girl knows is that his desires are met, her desires are only to make sure he is pleased and content. The girl needs to know he has great pride in his ownership of her. To leave the sense of pride and vanity, to give up oneself totally to another, to truly find the real sense of pride is to give all to another. 

One of the first words caro heard when entering Gor was La`kajira. caro had no idea what La`kajira meant. Learning, training and growing as a slave in Gor, caro strove to please and be what a good slave should be. The girl worked hard to obey and to serve well, trying always to be the best she could be. Very soon caro began to understand that just obedience; serving and hard work was not what a slave was. The girl watched her sisters, listened to the way they talked, the way they served, the girl tried to be like her slave sisters, even went as far as trying mimic her sisters at times, that she soon found out was not what a slave was. 

One night caro was sitting watching a filled Koroban_Kavern, all the beautiful sisters serving and being in their essence so to speak. A Master that caro has much respect for came into the Kaverns, all the slave sisters were serving, caro rose and offered him service. The Master accepted caro’s service and told her what he wished. caro rose to serve the Master, something the girl had done many times. This time was different, a feeling unlike caro had ever experienced filled the girls soul, in an instant caro knew what La`kajira was. Deep in the girl’s heart and belly the feelings become apparent, the girl understood what a slave belly was how the deep underlying the slave heart really is. Tears of joy touched the corners of the girl’s dark raven eyes. No one saw the tears or even aware of change in the girl, that mattered not to caro. At that moment caro was in her essence, her heart was alight, her greatest desire was to serve, to feel deep in her heart and her soul that she was pleasing to the Master, to know he found joy in her as a slave. caro only thought and feeling at the moment in time was to please and give full attention to the Master before her. The girl craved more than anything in life to see acceptance in this Master’s eyes. caro knew what La`kajira meant…I am slave! 

The desire to be a slave comes from deep within ones heart, a need, a craving that can not be answered. A slave needs to feel the Masters pride in his property; a craving that can not be extinguished deep in the slave’s soul. To look deep into your Master’s eyes and see that acceptance there, knowing that look was put there by the pride he has in his girl, his property, to know his girl has brought pride to his name, and to his home. Its more than the word slave, it is a sense of being and who the girl is inside, its her inner essence. A slave can not be a slave if its not in her heart, the steel around her neck is not what keeps a girl with a Master, but the desire and the devotion around the slave heart, to know that the girl is kajira, is to be complete 

This girl thinks you do need a degree of training to achieve a proper perspective or grasp on many things a Master or Mistress expects from a slave. But, to realize yourself as a slave, there is no amount of training that can help a girl realize what she truly is inside. Training is not what makes a slave, it must be a deep desire to serve; a craving that can only be satisfied by giving one totally up to another. It's not a collar, it's not silk, it's nothing more complicated than what everyone calls the slave belly. Its not the letters on the steel or the degree of the silks one wears, its how the slave feels in her heart, how the devotion is cradled deep in a slaves belly, its how she perceives herself, not how others perceive her. You know what you are, and you know what you have to do, then you do it. 

A girl thinks an independent slave can be pleasing and her knowledge can be that of a trained slave. The independent slave can develop the judgement and skills needed by watching other slaves, by reading and studying all the aspects of a true slave. But this girl does not think a slave can know the true happiness of her slavery if she is never owned. One can not be a slave to a Master, without a Master. To be a slave is to be owned. 

The girl had searched many years in the D/s lifestyle, feeling lost and alone. Accepting collars of several Dominants yet never feeling whole and free. Looking and searching, the girl had all but decided to leave the online world of the Dominant and submissive lifestyle. This one’s heart ached to be made whole and be set free from the need and wants within. A lonely night wandering in to the DarkeStorm_Castle, caro met a figure of a Man like none other the girl had know before, the heart knew. The girl talked to the Master, told him of herself and her searching for so very long, the deep craving within caro that one could not understand. When caro left the castle she gave her all to the Master named DarkeEdge, the beast within was set free to be who she truly is, caro.. La`kajira. 

The girl feels most owned when she kneels before her Master in his home, his hand in her hair looking down to the girl, hearing his voice say, “you belong to me, lil one.” Caro craves looking to Master’s eyes seeing the pride he has in his property, the girl he owns. Knowing he has taken her and taught her what she knows, molded her into what she has become, guided her every step of the way to becoming a kajira. A girl feels her insides will explode with pride as his hand toys with the steel around her neck, always reminding her she is his, she is owned and the property of Master DarkeEdge. 

author - caro{DE}

property of DarkeEdge 


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These pages were published in 2003. It is a collaborative effort of the members of the Koroban Kaverns family. This site was created and managed by Serrene, and published in Angelfire with the help of Falcon.

Many of these site pages were recreated to ressemble the original as close as possible based on research data, old files and as far as memory serves. Most pages were edited to replace old flash menu bars and to exclude dead links and pop-ups. All pages were cleaned of malicious content when necessary. Original creators, site managers, and friends involved with website development and maintenance throughout the years are credited in every page that follows.

This colllection and the recreation, restoration and re-publishing of the Koroban Kaverns website pages, and some collateral materials from 2001 to 2017, is a collaborative project between enya and Master Mahdi for archival purposes.

~ This is dedicated to Master Saxus with sincere gratitude to all that have contributed to Koroban Kaverns. ~

Last updated: October 31, 2020