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I expect our slaves to show loyalty, honesty, utmost obedience, grace, beauty, charm, creativity. I don't want a bunch of loud mouthed sailor sluts running around making people blush with crude words. They should be sensual, sexy, and possess the ability to maintain their composure under any onslaught. No tears, no drama. They should listen, and listen well. No Keeper should have to repeat a command. They should have a mind, a personality unique to them, and most of all, they should feel what they type. Pretty words without the heart and belly behind it are just pretty words. Feel what you say or why bother saying it eh?. Ty`nan |
There is one unifying element of the kajirae of the Kaverns. Ownership. You have each begged collar to serve a fine home. Your collar represents the work of more than 25 Ops who work together to create an environment that is safe, enjoyable, and warm. Your collar represents a choice made by Saxus, along with his counselors. Each one of you were chosen specifically for talents you had, a heart for service and a desire to work in this home. No one was collared by accident. Not one of you is a mistake. Every time you serve any, in the Kaverns or out traveling to other homes, you are serving Saxus. You are representing your home and the choice it made to claim you. There is no such thing as a perfect human therefore there is no such thing as a perfect kajira. You strive to do your best at all times, shine, and grow. It is what is expected of you while you are in that steel collar you wear. It is a deliberate action taken by the one who placed the steel. When you doubt yourself, remember this. When you think you’ve failed, remember these words. You are in a place where you belong. It isn’t an accident that you are here. There is no reason to hide in corners, compare yourself to other kajira, or consider all the reasons you’re not the most excellent you possible. Be yourself. Be at peace. You are well owned. |
Lady Ashaia will be giving slave study classes bi monthly [every other week] |
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These pages were published in 2003. It is a collaborative effort of the members of the Koroban Kaverns family. This site was created and managed by Serrene, and published in Angelfire with the help of Falcon. |
Many of these site pages were recreated to ressemble the original as close as possible based on research data, old files and as far as memory serves. Most pages were edited to replace old flash menu bars and to exclude dead links and pop-ups. All pages were cleaned of malicious content when necessary.
Original creators, site managers, and friends involved with website development and maintenance throughout the years are credited in every page that follows. |
Last updated:
November 3, 2020