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The Goreans answer to Dear Abby - Unsure of a quote? - Want to know the 'right' answer to something that's been puzzling you about Gor? - Or perhaps you just have an idea you'd like to share with us. Dear Mistress is here to impart opinions, facts, retorts and maybe even find a solution or two.

:: Dear Mistress ::

Our own lovely Mistress Dia is here to offer her charming wit and uncommon intellect. So don't hesitate to challenge her. She's ready, willing and more than able to help you solve matters involving everything from the mundane to the significant. Want to talk to Dia? - Then click here and find the answers you seek!

:: How does one describe a kajira's respect? ::

This one honestly has ideas of what respect is. Though she has great difficulty with a single Master and respecting Him. That is because of past issues. This one must explain to many Free People now what a kajira's respect is. This one asks, from her own confusion.  Does a kajira have an respect of her own? 

signed, Confused 


Dear Confused, 

Your question is a bit confusing.  Do you think as a slave you should expect respect from others?  If so, then as a slave you should expect nothing. At least not from the free.  As for having a hard time with showing respect for a certain free man due to past issues... Your actions always have consequences. Don't think that you would not be judged by the free with each and every form of service.  Hopefully you would not allow something negative to control you.  Keep in mind at all times that a slave is to be pleasing and obedient. If you feel at any time that you could not fulfill that purpose, you should beg to extract yourself from the situation respectfully.  A further note on describing a kajira's respect, perhaps describing integrity of a slave would be easier to portray in words? Also, there is such a thing as self-respect for anyone. 

Well wishes from the dear Mistress. 


To write to Mistress Dia - do so at - Dear_Mistress@hotmail.com

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These pages were published in 2003. It is a collaborative effort of the members of the Koroban Kaverns family. This site was created and managed by Serrene, and published in Angelfire with the help of Falcon.

Many of these site pages were recreated to ressemble the original as close as possible based on research data, old files and as far as memory serves. Most pages were edited to replace old flash menu bars and to exclude dead links and pop-ups. All pages were cleaned of malicious content when necessary. Original creators, site managers, and friends involved with website development and maintenance throughout the years are credited in every page that follows.

This colllection and the recreation, restoration and re-publishing of the Koroban Kaverns website pages, and some collateral materials from 2001 to 2017, is a collaborative project between enya and Master Mahdi for archival purposes.

~ This is dedicated to Master Saxus with sincere gratitude to all that have contributed to Koroban Kaverns. ~

Last updated: November 3, 2020